By By Nathan
August 19, 2024
Rally the TroopsBy Nathan ArthurHow can I give to missions? I really wanted to support the work abroad, but as a college student, I did not have much. How could I make giving a lifelong habit if I could not even figure out how to start?In 2014, I attended a youth conference where Kameron DeVasher charged GYC to begin giving sacrificially to missions. He appealed to the attendees to commit to giving five dollars every week through a recurring donation. This is my chance, I thought. This will force me to start giving to missions. So, without knowing how I was going to find the money, I pledged.After returning to school, I began trying to raise money to cover the recurring donation. I put out spare change jars and sold a few things. I wasn’t able to raise more than I pledged until I began getting my friends and classmates to help fundraise. Elissa Tesch, a fellow college student and former missionary to Laos, had great ideas and energy. With the help of Elissa and many others like her, we held two large silent ASAP fundraising auctions. What did I learn? First, do not wait to support missions. God can not use you until you choose to be used by Him. He certainly will use you the moment you commit yourself to His service.Second, involve other people. God has not given everyone the same talents. By working together, we multiply our individual effectiveness. Finally, do not allow your circumstances to limit you. Whether you are rich or poor, smart or slow, old or young, God can and will use you if you will only let Him.Nathan Arthur is a student at Ouachita Hills College.