
Two Spirits, Two Answers

A desperate family did not know where to turn when Seng Siong, a young widow, became demon-possessed on Lao New Years. She stripped down and danced in the middle of the village and said all sorts of strange things, bringing disgrace to the family. The shaman and monks had no cure. The family finally resorted to hand-cuffing her to a pole in their bamboo house.

An ASAP Church Planter recently entered that new unreached area. God led him to this house and he persisted in prayer for Seng Siong until the demon left her. Siong’s five small children cried tears of joy to have their mommy back! All the family took Bible studies and what a glorious day when Seng fully surrendered in baptism.

News spread through the villages of the district and others experienced God’s power! Mr. Souay received freedom and restful sleeps after being delivered from an evil spirit who caused him to wander the streets every night. He also studied the Bible and got baptized. Jesus, the miracle worker who set the shackled demoniacs free, is the same powerful God today!

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