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Advance God's Work in Dangerous Oppressive Places

One day a young man we'll call Jasper found sermons from an ASAP-supported ministry on YouTube and wrote in to ask for a Bible. Nathanael,*an ASAP church planter in this closed country, quickly reached out to him. Nathanael shared the following. Jasper was so happy when I gave him not only a Bible but a book about the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh- day Adventist Church. He acted like I gave him gold! Though he was busy working construction jobs, we connected and studied the Bible together.

When we got to lesson 19, which was about God's law and Sabbath worship, his family began to strongly oppose his newfound beliefs, which he had immediately put into practice. His father gathered the relatives and neighborhood friends to meet to discuss Jasper's new faith. Collectively they decided he could no longer live at home or be part of the community. Even his wife and two teenage sons sided with his father. Under- standably, this broke Jasper's heart, but he made the decision to be faithful to Jesus. Though he has no home to call his own, and goes from one temporary construction shelter to another, he looks forward to his home in heaven, and he faithfully joins an online church each Sabbath.

Please keep Jasper and others who are persecuted for their faith in your prayers. You can join Team GWIDOP by donating $100 or more a month to support God's work in dangerous oppressive places. Your gifts go to support workers, literature, training events, and more.

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