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Gift #8 Establish a Center of Influence in Cambodia

Moeng Navy prayed as she watched the little group of Adventist believers in her village struggle without a leader. Several members had left and returned to Buddhism. Two other nearby small groups were struggling, too. Though naturally timid, this widowed mother of two felt called to do something. She began visiting the church members in this district 70 miles south of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She encouraged them and organized daily morning and evening worships. Soon signs of life emerged in all three groups.

Cambodia Adventist Mission invited Moeng Navy to serve as an ASAP church planter in the district. As she extended her visitation program to the homes of unreached Buddhists in her territory, she became acquainted with their needs and mobilized the church members to respond. They prayed for the sick, distributed food to the hungry, and repaired the homes of those in need. Some of the people they helped began attending church. Bible studies and baptisms followed.

Eager to serve and share their faith, three newly baptized young adults started after-school literacy programs in their villages. Some of their students are now attending Moeng Navy's church plants. This year, ASAP will fulfill another great need in one of these villages, drilling a well to provide a safe water supply.

Through one Spirit-led church planter following Christ's method of evangelism, a center of influence has emerged and the light of the gospel has been rekindled in southern Cambodia. With God's provision, ASAP plans to create more centers of influence in the coming year to rapidly spread the good news of salvation and Jesus' soon return across Southeast Asia.

Help establish a center of influence in Cambodia with your gift of $100 / $1,000 / $10,000

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