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Give Hope to the Hmong in a Closed Country

Join ASAP in a new opportunity to provide stipends, training, resources, and aid to Hmong believers in a closed country. The Hmong in this country experience oppression and persecution from the government. Let's come alongside them and give the spiritual and humanitarian support they desperately need. God opened the way for Hmong Seventh-day Adventist pastors in the U.S. and another country to spearhead this initiative, so join us and Jesus, for He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help (Ps. 22:24).

$180 per month/$2,100 per year to provide a Hmong church planter's stipend, sharing resources, and annual training expenses (12 needed)

$15,000 to establish a humanitarian fund for the Hmong in this closed country

Click here to give a custom amount. 

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