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Grow a Chinese Church Plant

God has taken William and Rachel on an incredible journey over the past five years from enrolling as students at the Reach the World Next Door training program to church planting among the 200,000 Chinese-speaking residents of Houston, Texas. Through the challenges of starting a church plant and keeping it going during the pandemic, this faithful couple has leaned on the Lord and emerged with a testimony of His faithfulness. Now, they are beginning to see the fruits of their labor in weekly Bible studies, a children's Sabbath worship service, health and lifestyle seminars, and an Adventurers Club composed primarily of children from non-Christian Chinese families! With

God's blessing, your prayers and financial support will help their Chinese church plant multiply in the coming year.

$500 to sponsor a Vacation Bible School program for Chinese families or provide one month's literature, health education supplies, and transportation costs

$3,540 per month to fund a church planter stipend and living expenses

Click here to give a custom amount. 

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